Car Door Won’t Close After Accident? Here’s What to Do!

Car doors are one of the most frequently damaged vehicle components in accidents and mishaps on the road. This damage is usually caused by side impacts to the vehicle, which can impact the functionality of one or more doors. Many car owners have reported that their car doors won’t close properly following an accident.  

To repair a car door that won’t close after an accident, you must determine which part is damaged or faulty. These parts include the latch, anchor, handle, frame, and electronics. By identifying the problem with your car door, you can repair the issue yourself or take the car to a repair specialist. 

We’ll explain everything you must know if your car door isn’t closing properly following an accident! Once we’ve explained why car doors are prone to damage after accidents, we’ll explain how you can repair the damage caused by an accident. We will also outline other possible reasons for a car door that won’t open!   

So, let’s get to it!

Why Won’t My Car Door Close After Accident?  

As we briefly explained above, car accidents (particularly side impacts) often result in one or more car doors that don’t open or close correctly.

As a result, poorly closing car doors is one of the major signs that your car was damaged in an accident, regardless of how minor the accident was. After all, even a minor accident can damage your car’s doors beyond the point of repair.  

Ultimately, this is the reason auto technicians typically suggest a door replacement following an accident. Luckily, there are numerous fixes to consider for your car door before you need to worry about replacing it entirely.

In the next section, we’ll discuss different fixes for car doors that won’t close properly after an accident.  

From adjusting your car door’s latch to taking it to an auto repair shop for a door replacement, the appropriate fix depends on the severity of the damage to your vehicle’s door. After all, many different parts of the car door may be damaged and prevent it from closing, including the latch, anchor, hinges, handles, and electronics.  

Regardless of which part of the car door is damaged, you’ll need to repair or replace the door since you can’t drive with a door that won’t close.

With the right tools and knowledge, some of these repairs can be attempted at home, while others will require a professional to complete the necessary repairs or perform a complete door replacement.  

How To Repair Car Doors That Won’t Close After An Accident?

This section will outline the most common fixes for a car door that won’t close after an accident. With one of these solutions, your vehicle’s door will be functioning properly again in no time!  

Replace Your Car Door’s Hinges

Your car door’s hinges allow your car door to swing open and closed. Following a car accident, there’s a possibility that your hinges are restricting your car door’s motion. Ultimately, this can prevent the door from closing properly.  

Examining the affected car door’s hinges can determine whether they’ve been misaligned or damaged. If the hinges are misaligned, you can get someone to hold the door up while you use tools to loosen the hinge and shift it into the correct position. However, if the hinges are damaged, they will need to be replaced by a professional.  

Adjust Your Car’s Latch And Anchor  

Your car door’s latch and anchor are key components required for the proper opening and closing of the door. The latch and anchor may have been misaligned when a car door doesn’t open following an accident. You’ll need to examine the latch and anchor mechanisms to address this issue. 

The anchor has a retaining bolt. After loosening this bolt and moving the anchor, you can attempt to realign the two components. You should also check the latch, which should be open if your car door is open. Accidents have the potential to knock the latch out of position. You should ensure the latch is operational and open.  

Warm Up Your Car Damaged Car Door  

Cold weather is restricting, making it difficult to open or close your car door. If your car’s door experienced minor damage due to the accident, there’s a chance your door is slightly out of position. Coupled with cold weather, you could very well be left with a vehicle door that’s not closing properly.  

Luckily, warming up your damaged car door may allow you to close it properly. To avoid damaging your car further, you should avoid using hot water to warm your car door up. Instead, try using a blow dryer in a low heat setting. Once you’ve warmed up the door, try closing the door to see if the issue has been resolved.   

Repair Your Car Door’s Handle Mechanism  

Many cables and rods are installed in car doors to ensure they open and close properly. These cables allow your car door to open when you pull the handle.

If the accident damaged these rods in any way, it could result in your car door getting stuck so that you cannot close or open it. You’ll Drivers need to take their vehicles to a professional mechanic to repair the handle mechanism. 

Check Your Car Door Electronics  

Many drivers are unaware that there is an electrical component to their car door’s latches, particularly with newer cars. In many cars, electronics are responsible for sending a signal to open or close a latch.

If your accident damaged the electronics in your vehicle, this could be the reason your door won’t close properly. You’ll need to let a professional look at your vehicle.  

Adjust Your Car Door Frame  

Following an accident, damage to the car door’s frame is one of the most common reasons for a door that won’t close. Unfortunately, car owners won’t be able to adjust their car door frame at home – unless they have a bodywork shop in their backyard! To repair issues with your car door frame, you’ll need to take your vehicle to a bodywork shop or auto repair shop.  

Let An Auto Repair Shop Look At Your Car Door  

If the fixes on this list haven’t helped you repair your car door that won’t close, the best option is to take your vehicle to an auto repair shop.

This option is also ideal for those who lack the necessary tools or automotive knowledge to properly complete the required repairs. Whether your car door needs a smaller repair or an entire door replacement, professionals will make sure your car door is fixed in no time!  

Two Other Reasons Your Car Door Won’t Close (And How To Fix It)  

In the previous section, we outlined different fixes for car doors that won’t close due to a prior accident. However, the reason your car door won’t close might not be due to the accident. There are two other possible reasons a vehicle’s door won’t open or close properly: a corroded jaw or a frozen latch.  

1. Car Door Jaw Is Corroded  

Corrosion on your car door’s jaw can prevent it from closing properly. When you close the door, enough corrosion on the jaw can stop your car door from latching. This is an issue that commonly affects older car models.

Lubricating the corroded jaw can help resolve this issue.  

2. Car Door Latch Is Frozen  

During the winter months, moisture in the air has a way of working its way into the spaces between your car and your car door’s seal.

This can result in your latch freezing, which can prevent you from opening or closing the door properly. If your latch is frozen, you can use a hairdryer to defrost it.  

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